April 17, 2015

Haul: Fair And Glow Skin Essentials

Hi everyone! How are you doing?
I always tell you that I love PM shifts!
I tend to do many things like filming, vlogging/blogging and so many more.
Today is already productive. I've sat on my thinking chair lol 
editing videos, downloading etc. haha!
and later we're going to play badminton. 
Anyway, here are the skincare products sent to me by
They sell organic and natural skincare and whitening products

April 10, 2015

Haul: Inkheart Winter Goodies

Hi everyone!! I've been waiting for my orders yesterday from a co-blogger and
not only those Belo products I received yesterday I also received these
makeup goodies from Ashlyn of Inkheart Winter Shop.
Thanks girl! <3

April 09, 2015

Youtube: The "No Makeup" Makeup Look

Hi everyone!! You may have read from other sites that the 2014 trend of highlighting and
contouring is now gone. Trend for 2015 is the "no makeup" makeup look.
You may add a little blush, a little glow and not squared off brows.

Continue to watch my no makeup makeup look tutorial

April 07, 2015

Review: Skin Recipe By EMC

 Hi my dear readers!
I'm feeling stress lately or it's just because of this heat wave? ugh.. 
 Summer it is. SUMMER. I think I need some Vitamin SEA!
Thankful for these goodies Skin Recipe by EMC sent me.
 The Whitening Essence and their Ultimate White Soap

April 06, 2015

Review: E.L.F. Translucent Mattifying Powder

Hi everyone!How was your holy week?
and how are you today? Gosh! Don't you just hate this Manic Monday Madness!
 For me, it's a busy Monday morning and hotness overload! lol
 Thankful for this ELF Translucent Mattifying powder
that made my face "matte" and oily-free.

E.L.F. Translucent Mattifying Powder
Achieve even flawless skin that's smoother, redefined and shine free.
This translucent powder works on a wide variety of skin tones
to help set your makeup in so it lasts longer.
The silky lightweight formula also miraculously mattes skin
to diminish oil and shine for a beautiful and healthy look!