December 30, 2014

Dear 2014,Thank You!

Hi my dearies! Sorry for not blogging lately.
I went to Manila to visit my family and
spend most of the time with them. Plus, kind of spend a lot of money too. huhu.
Not that I wasn't expecting it to happen. haha. Cray.

Even I went a little late for gift-giving. I made sure I gave my nieces and nephew one of their wishlist. When I saw them very happy, it made me more happier.
I always think Christmas is for children.

December 24, 2014

Review: NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream

Hi! Just the right time it arrived before Christmas eve! wiiiii! 
So much excitement.
Bought these goodies from Blushing_diva on Instagram.
*insert diva song from Beyonce*

more after the break..

December 23, 2014

Review: Jazzy Collections Photo Ready Foundation

ooh! Happy holidays my dearies!!
It's always the season of SMILES whenever it's this time of the year
and Gift giving! yay! and so after a year of hardwork I always reward myself with my guilty pleasures and this is one of them.

the Jazzy Collections Photo Ready Foundation in Dark Nude (PR-004)
more after the break...

My Lipstick Collection

Hi my dearies! I know, I know! I've been M.I.A. (again and again) since
currently I'm on night duty again. (worst ever) and it's the holiday season!!

Watch in HD!
 This is the most requested video of all time!
I'm such a lipstick hoarder.
And I love finding affordable yet QUALITY lipsticks!
so, check out what I'm telling you!

more after the break...

December 18, 2014

Haul: December 18 2014

I have the time to check out SM beauty section again! So, here are my haul for today!
more after the break...

December 17, 2014

Cherry Mobile's One Big Alpha Treat

I want to have Alpha Morph!
Click LIKE and just SHARE
click photo for more details

Review: NYX Round Lipsticks

Hi dearies! Good day! Who doesn't love this holiday season?
Please don't ruin the happiest time of the year. hihi.
It's so freezin' cold outside here in Cabagan and I've been freaking sick these days.
Anyway, here's NYX round lipsticks in their old packaging.
I remember that I've blogged this before on my Tumblr but
 I can't find it anymore so I think it's alright to share it again here.
This is not a sponsored post.
Can you name these shades?
more after the break...

December 16, 2014

Mini Christmas Giveaway

Hello there!! Here's a little something for you on Christmas!
 Next year more giveaways I swear!
For now, I want to share with you these by hosting an Instagram giveaway!

more after the break...

December 13, 2014

Khrystal Beauty Essences Skin Care Products

Christmas came early! My sponsors are my blessings.
Without them, I think I don't have anything to post on my blog. Like seriously.
Thank you dearies for trusting me.

More than 26,000 likes on their facebook page
because they're one of the most affordable skincare set.
They have many wholesalers/resellers.
 Anyway, they sent me these..

GlutaBleach Combo Set
worth PhP375.00 
What's inside?
more after the break..

December 12, 2014

Review: Ceejhay ASC Cheek N Lip Tint

Who loves lip and cheek tint? Raise your hands?! (virtual hands UP!) hehe!
oh yes it's ME!!
When I saw this in the package Ceejhay ASC sent me.
I was like "wow, may local lip and cheek tint na pala"
(wow, there's a local lip and cheek tint already)
more after the break..

December 11, 2014

My Top 10 Google Play Apps

Hi! Sorry! I've been working out on my site. Making some changes. Seeing a lot of drafts to work on. 
I'm a total Android user. I like Samsung than iPhone. I've tried using my mom's iPad and my sister's iPhone but for me it's kind of complicated. hehe. I'm just not really into it. I'm always a Samsung user since it's Android release. Of course, we install a lot of apps and games and other than Facebook and Instagram, here's my top 10 Google play apps you may want to install too.

10. Go Launcher [FREE]
more after the break..

December 09, 2014

December 07, 2014

Review: Clareal Keratin Color Stay Hair Care

When I said I'll be taking care of hair, I'll do it and it already
started by using this Clareal Keratin Pomegranate Hair Care.
Seriously, my damaged hair needs to be revived.
Come with me on my long journey to having smooth and shiny hair.
 Net: 1000mL(35.2 Fl. Oz.)

December 05, 2014

Review: Maybelline Colorshow Lipsticks Plum Shades

I'm in a good mood today! Had a long sleep after days of sleeping only during travel time. Had a really bad back pain for a while. Anyway, after my Baguio vacay. I'm back on track! More blogs to come before the year ends! Watch out for my holiday look <3
Maybelline is one of my MOST trusted brand since I learned makeup.
I'm fond of buying lipbalms before and swatching blushes on their counter. hihi college days.
 Not only they have a variety of makeup, they're also affordable and really has a great quality of productions.
Maybelline ColorShow Lipsticks

December 04, 2014

Review: Ellana Mineral Cosmetics Lip & Cheek Gel

I've been dying to have this for a long time already but due to some circumstances like I'm living in the province and also I can't order online nor ask someone to buy me in Manila. Finally! I did buy it.
Ellana Minerals is available at The Ramp, Trinoma.Click HERE for other branches.


November Favorites: Makeup

Hi my dear! Wow wow wow! It's already December how time flies.
I can't believe it that I'm already working as a nurse for almost a year now.
Days passed by so fast and that's why another monthly favorite post is up! hihi

Here's my November favorites!

December 03, 2014

Review: Ninabelles Skinsensations Soap

Hi dear! Sorry been MIA again! Well, actually I had a long rest days.
Went to Manila then to Baguio for 3 days and then back to Manila and then back here at Isabela.
Supposedly this was already up before I took my vacay but my internet was kind of messed up. 
So, here it is..

This is what the package looked like when I opened the LBC
I did wonder what was inside then..