August 10, 2015

Review: Skin Empire Lip Smoochies

Manic monday?hope your week started good cause I am. :)
I love my schedule even it's graveyard shift. 
I able to finish a lot of things and able to work more post, makeup and collabs.

Here's a review to Skin Empire's Lip Smoochies.
Received six shades

Product Description:
A fruit-derived lip and cheek stain infused with (fruit) extract
and collagen to nourish lips and cheeks.
It delivers a more natural and radiant glow.

Bought from: FREE (they are actually based in Sta.Ana, Manila)
Price: PhP150/5ml

August 09, 2015

New!! Glam Skin Soaps

Yummy skin food!!! <3
From Cebu with love. These all natural skincare product will surely
make your skin fair, smooth and young!

Bought: FREE
Price: Ranges 150-180 pesos exclusive of shipping fee

August 07, 2015

Review: Edens Paradise Flying Piggy

Hi everyone! Another product that is for sure will be a hit.
Not only for me but also to you! =)
Pretty Cris of Edens Paradise sent me these bubblegum flavor balms
which is called "Flying Piggy".  *oink*
I already posted these on instagram(follow me @karenlizescobar 
to be photo/video updated) short vids and photo of these flying piggy balms.

Just to have a clearer view of the swatches,
I know I need to upload a better version and 
that's why I also upload a video. <3

August 05, 2015

Review: Skin Bliss DD Cream

 I'm all about finding the good stuff on the market.
Not only good but also affordable finds!
I'm actually kuripot and practical that's why I tend to catch
some great and affordable finds to post here on my blog.

I've been a fan of BB creams and CC creams. They're like everywhere and
every drugstore and highend products have their own line of these creams.

And now, thankfully, I get to try a DD cream. Yes! DD Cream from Skin Bliss.
Bought: Free
Price: PhP 270.00/15grams
 Product Description:
A dynamic do-all cream is an all-in-one tinted cream that 
not only corrects but really protects your skin from external aggressions.

August 04, 2015

Youtube: Pin Up Makeup Tutorial

Hi everyone! I'm like back on track now. haha. :)
--don't forget to subcribe on my channel.
Classic Pin Makeup Look is one of my fave look from all time.
I love seeing this look to Kat Dennings.
Anyway, continue to know the products
I've used to create this look.