June 03, 2015

Youtube: Back To School Makeup Tutorial

Hi! Here's a simple skincare routine and
makeup look that you'll surely
wear on school days!
If you think this is for you, keep on reading for the 
affordable products I've used

June 02, 2015

Haul: Retail Therapy

Hi everyone!! Yesyes as usual even I really really try to keep it going and updated
I still have a lot of backlogs.. Do I have to let go on something?I try to handle
my IG/FB/Youtube/Blog and sometimes I think my health is already out of line. 
Please, can someone help me.. like serious help, how I can manage my time blogging/YT/
sleep and work?I sometimes have to wake up early just to edit.. But actually,
you know what after a tiring day, when Im done with all of it. I feel so accomplished. 
I just need a TIME MANAGEMENT! help pls. :) hehe
 I don't know why I'm feeling emotional lately, is it the hormones or the environment
or the social media itself?
That's why I told myself today I need some retail therapy.
Above are the products I bought today. If you want to know the names of the products,
keep on reading. :*

June 01, 2015

Youtube: Seductive Makeup Look

Hi everyone! My first post for June!
Waaah it's already the 6th month of the year. Time flies really fast.
And it's already school day. What a busy monday morning.

Hey, here's one my/our dream that finally came true to collab with
Joanne Clutario aka Anne Clutz

the #teamcollabXanneclutz collaboration finally pushed through

May 18, 2015

Review: Fair & Glow Milk Oat Face & Body Scrub

Hi everyone!! How's your day?
Super HOOOOT!As in the weather today is like on FIRE!!
WTH is happening on Earth..Please drink more than 8 glasses of water a day to beat this heat.
Other than that take a freaking loooong bath. hehe
And make time using the Fair And Glow Milk Oat Face & Body Scrub
(photo credits to fair and glow) 
You'll definitely love this while taking your bath time! Why? Find out more...

May 15, 2015

Youtube: BTS Of A Youtuber TAG

Hello everyone! It's been a while I last did a TAG video.
With my 3 days off I filmed about 4 videos and blog everyday as much as possible.