Showing posts with label FRAGRANCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FRAGRANCE. Show all posts

February 21, 2019


Envelope yourself in a feminine mix of fruity and floral scents with Althea’s latest collaboration with Titi Kamal! The Stay Fresh Body Sparkling Mist is a sparkling mix of sweet orange and peach, followed by an ever-graceful echo of rosy floral notes. Not overbearingly strong, this gentle perfume lingers on the body for a long-lasting scent. It also has a non-sticky formula that feels comfortable on the skin, and it embodies the elegance and beauty of Titi in a bottle, perfect for the urban femme. 

November 08, 2015

Review: Desires Signatures Perfume "Paris Hilton"

 Hello dream catchers! At first, I was really hesitant to do a review on this because like seriously, I don't know how will I describe everything especially the scent. haha. I honestly telling you now that it's so hard for me so please bare with me.
Desires Signatures Perfume a seller of inspired scents from famous branded perfumes.