Hello my dream catchers!! Super late post! Here are some photos from the event held at Solaire last September 30 2015. Actually, a private event for employees only. Anyway, before the main event. I first went to Mall Of Asia to meet Lyn -- www.instagram.com/makeupnurse_lynvidallon. We've been talking a lot through IG and I'm so happy to finally met her that day and we were like friends who haven't seen each other for a very long time. I feel so closed to her since we have the same profession and passion. She's super nice and baliw too and I love her. Oh, btw she also has her blog -- http://lynvidallon.wordpress.com.
It's kinda cool that we're both wearing blue colored clothes and we didn't talk about that.
baliw baliwan with lyn
Before we met, we already planned to do a video and here it is.
Watch the video in HD
After filming, we decided to go to Solaire for the event. It was held at the dining hall of the employees.
I think we went there around 2pm and and Lyn forgot her ids and we didn't know if she could get in but thankfully she did get inside. haha.
Set up for the employees we'll be teaching later on

Oh my gosh! I was like sis juls' lips!so perf <3
Nature Essentials setup
Finally, I personally met and saw Ms. Charm who's super nice and humble and super maasikaso.
Selfies with Lyn
another groufie before we go
At the event, there was a official photographer, as we unable to capture the photos/videos on how we demo the products of nature essentials.
It was a beautiful sunset and my camera didn't give justice on how beautiful it was. Seeing that sunset makes me thank God for all the opportunity His giving me.

Lyn's OOTD
I super love that her vintage fashion style is legit vintage!
I have no fashion statement or anything. haha I wear what I'm comfortable with.
You can also watch the vlog below

Lyn's OOTD
I super love that her vintage fashion style is legit vintage!

I have no fashion statement or anything. haha I wear what I'm comfortable with.
You can also watch the vlog below
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Products are either sponsored or bought from my own money.
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