October 25, 2016

Review: Babyliss Pro Stylist Tool Perfect Curl

I received this item from BelleDeJourPH which is the Babyliss Pro Perfect Curl. It is easy to use. The Perfect Curl will create many different curl effects in the hair. It is easy to experiment with the different settings to achieve the desired results.
There are three(3) temperature settings to select from 190C, 210C, and 230C.
Setting 1(190C) for delicate, fine or coloured hair
Setting 2(210C) for normal textured hair
Setting 3(230C) for thick or wavy hair
There are also three(3) timer settings with audio beep indicator. These different settings will give different curl effects. The longer the time the hair is held inside the curl chamber, the more defined the curl will be. But results will also vary according to hair type.
Setting 8(8 seconds = 3 beeps) for loose waves
Setting 10(10 seconds = 4 beeps) for soft curls
Setting 12(12 seconds = 5 beeps) for more defined curls
There's also curl direction control
Babyliss Pro Perfect Curl

How to use:
1. Ensure hair is clean, dry and combed through.
2. Separate a section of hair that is no bigger than 3 cm.
3. Important. Always hold the styler positioned into the hair with the open part of the curl chamber facing towards the head.
4. Position the styler where you want the curl to start. Ensure the hair section is held through straight and placed neatly through the centre of the styler.
5. Close the handles together, let go of the hair and allow the hair to be automatically taken into the curl chamber. If using the timer setting, the beep indicator will start. The amount of beeps you hear will vary depending on the time setting being used. Hold the handles shut until you hear four quick beeps in succession to indicate the time is up.
6. Release the handles first to let the curl free and gently pull the styler away from the head.

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