January 17, 2017

Review: iWhite Korea Nose Pack

Hello my dreamcatchers! I know you're already familiar for today's post. I already tried this one on Youtube using the sampler size(sachet). This is the iWhite Korea Nose Pack, it's a whiteheads and blackheads remover. I bought this one at Watsons for PhP 199.00/50mL. I prefer to buy this one instead the sachet because it's hygienic and I use this weekly.

Product Description:
 This is a cream type nose pack that conveniently adjusts to the shape of your nose, making it easier and more effective in eliminating blackjeads and whiteheads. You can use it on oil prone areas like the nose and Tzone to minimize the appearance of pores and excess oil for a clear, smooth and radiant skin.
It contains natural active ingredients and Vitamins A, C, and E. It it refined by bionanotechnology which gives ingredients increased potency in order to effectively take care of your skin.

How Do I Use It?
1. First, let me show you the photo before I applied the nose pack. 
I looked flawless in my photos but I really have blackheads/whiteheads on my nose area.
2. Next, I applied the iWhite Korea Pore Purifying Balm. This is a Must Buy/Must Have product
3. After a minute of pore purifying balm, I applied the nose pack on my nose. Make sure to apply a generous amount. Wag tipirin bes!
4. Let it dry for 30 minutes or more. It's better if the nose pack is completely dried.
5. Whenever I'm ready to harvest, I made sure to pull it upward.

Next photo is a bit disgusting. Or for some satisfying!? hihi

I forgot to take a photo of my nose what it looked after. After removing the nose pack, I toned and mpisturized my face.
Do I need to say more? I really like this because it's effective!

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Products are either sponsored or bought from my own money.
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