March 18, 2017

Review: Smart Selfie Device

 The application of Social Media has become deeply rooted with our daily lives. From instant messaging, creating contents, or as simple as sharing a selfie, all these have become norm. Selfie has become the most convenient way to capture and share moments instantly. It has a way of opening and connecting ourselves to others in a way that was never done before. The interesting question now is – is there a better way to take selfies?
 SmartSelfie offers you a unique way of taking your selfies, taking your selfie game to the next level! This device that allows you to take your selfies hands-free! It also has a feature that follows your face when taking photos/videos! Perfect for group photos, couple shots, or even making your own video content.  SmartSelfie comes in 3 colors: white, pink, and aqua/turquoise. This also comes in hand with a remote control, and a pouch – making it easy to bring along wherever you go.
To use, simply follow these steps:
1. Download the Grasswonder App on your smartphone(Play Store for Android and App Store for iOs)
2. Open Grasswonder App and select “Follow Me” (make sure Bluetooth is opened)
3. Turn on SmartSelfie and remote (make sure charged and battery in place)
4. Put your smartphone on the SmartSelfie (see picture above)
 5. Press enter, and this should automatically sync everything together. Now you’re good to go!

Hands-free option may either be done using the remote control to take photos, or by activating the follow-me feature. To activate, simply click on the camera icon and select the applicable face. Once on, the device will start following your face, and will automatically take a photo once you are all set.

The SmartSelfie is charged using a Micro USB charger, and should be charged by more than 6 hours the first time around. A fully charged holder should work for 8 hours. With the use of its remote, this device can also take a full 360 degree turn.

SmartSelfie is sold for Php 2,500.00 and is available online through Facebook page ( and Instagram (

I really like this because even without the remote the device will follow and detect my face and take a shot. 

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